Hello my friends,
It’s been a while since I last posted here and it’s because I’ve been very busy with some life changes. To give you an idea of what I’ve been up to, here are some pictures from the last month and a half:
It’s official: Callie and I have moved back to Ontario. At the end of June, I packed all of my belongings in two U-Boxes and flew with my cat five hours across the country. As usual, she blew me away with how well she handled everything. She was relaxed while exploring the gate at Vancouver International Airport and slept through the entire flight.
My family is hosting us temporarily while we sort things out, and so far they’ve fallen in love with Callie. I’ll be back soon with more updates now that things have finally settled down.
Until then, I hope you’re all doing well.
The content reads like a rejected script from a bad infomercial.
The text is a snoozefest that could bore a caffeine junkie.
The designer must have been paid in expired coupons to make this.
The content is a jumbled mess of word vomit and bad ideas.
The designer’s skills are a tragedy wrapped in a catastrophe.
This website is what happens when you give a raccoon a keyboard.
Navigating this site is like wading through a swamp of expired mayonnaise—slow, disgusting, and utterly pointless.
The content is a jumbled mess of word vomit and bad ideas.
The writing is so atrocious it could scare off a grammar nazi.
The site’s so poorly optimized it lags on a supercomputer.
The content is as useful as a chocolate teapot.
The content is so bad it makes elevator music sound thrilling.
The articles here are dumber than a bag of rusty hammers.
The layout is a chaotic mess that even a tornado would reject.
The designer’s sense of style is a war crime against aesthetics.
The graphics look like they were drawn with a crayon in the dark.
This site is proof that not everyone should have access to a computer.
This site is a glitchy fever dream no one asked for.
I’ve seen more creativity and functionality in a used napkin than this pathetic excuse for a webpage.
This site is a glitchy disaster begging to be put out of its misery.