My Dream Hobby Farm

Have you ever found yourself in a place that resonates with your soul? That’s how I felt recently when I had the opportunity to visit a small hobby farm on Vancouver Island. 

On the way to Bamfield this year, we had some extra time to spare while on the island, so we decided to visit one of my peer’s relatives. The woman owned a beautiful hobby farm full of rescued animals. There were two dogs, a cat, several sheep, goats, two miniature donkeys and two miniature horses. All of the barn animals were named after different herbs and spices.

I’m glad I brought my camera because I got to take some portraits of the different personalities on the farm.

It was a beautiful rest stop. We had an opportunity to feed and pet all of the animals.  It was like stepping into my dream come true. I’d love to get to spend part of my life on a hobby farm, giving a home to rescued goats, donkeys, and horses.

One can dream, right? 

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