
I haven’t been posting much these past few months despite having a backlog of things to blog about. To be honest, this semester has been really hard on my mental health. The workload has actually been fairly manageable compared to last year, but I think it’s been the growing stress from my project and the sudden onset of rainy weather that’s resulted in my current low.
November has been particularly hard: there was a grant application deadline, a really bad cold, sunny weather for a whole week – but of course during the week I was sick, and one really terrible meeting that I’m still cringing about. Give me another week or two and I’ll be able to separate myself from all the insecurities and negativity.

18 Replies to “November”

  1. Thanks Britta! Slowly it's been getting better. 🙂 Thankfully Vancouver has gotten more sun and snow than usual this past week. It's amazing to see the effects of just a little sunlight! Everyone seems happier.

  2. Thanks so much Reut! I hope you've been feeling better too lately. Being sick makes you so groggy and tired all the time, it's no wonder things start to fall apart.

  3. I know exactly what you're talking about – as a person who's sick all the time, being sick is the number one reason for everything that goes wrong… I just wish you full recovery and health all the time!!!

  4. Sorry to hear you are having a mentally stressful time. This too shall pass, but of course winter usually doesn't help, unless it is really beautiful with snow and ice and sun and blue skies 😉

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