Elk Mountain

This September, my friend Devan decided to pay me a visit in Vancouver before he left for a 6 month adventure in New Zealand and Southeast Asia. He spent some of his time here exploring the city and updating his scuba credentials, but also wanted to see some nature. We decided the best option would be to rent a car for a weekend of hiking in the mountains. The first day we decided to go into the Fraser Valley to hike Elk Mountain out in Chilliwack, BC.

It was a wet day, making the steep trail more challenging than usual. The rain turned to a foggy mist further up the trail, and I’m happy to say I finally found the camera settings to capture the effect. The lookout is apparently amazing on clear days, but when we got to the top we found ourselves surrounded by clouds. Regardless, I was happy to share my trail mix with some bold gray jays and the eerie, magical atmosphere made for a good rainy day spent outdoors.

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