Hiking Lynn Canyon Park to Deep Cove

What an amazing hike! An old friend paid me a visit on the Canada Day long-weekend, and we decided to spend a day hiking the north shore of Vancouver. The hike was from the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge all the way to Deep Cove. One way it’s a 12 km hike, but we made it a round trip since we took a car. 
It was a gorgeous hike, but also an amazing day. Sunny, bright, and finally a temperature that I find hot. After how dim and cloudy it’s been all fall, winter and spring, it was really nice to take a hike and have the sun bursting through the treetops. 


18 Replies to “Hiking Lynn Canyon Park to Deep Cove”

  1. Suspension Bridges always seemed so scary to me, but I'm really into these dangerous experiences 😛
    12 KM each way is really long and exhausting, you're lucky you were able to get a car to do that!
    It's funny you were waiting for a hot day to come since I can't stand the hear here anymore, so I am willing to give you all the heat you want!!!
    This trail looks really amazing and breath-taking, I loved the pic of the running river the most 😀

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