Balcony Covered in Birdseed

Recently I decided to get a new installment for my balcony. I’ve always wanted a bird feeder for my own place, so when I found this gazebo feeder for only $5 I knew it was fate. I had a lot of concerns when I first adhered it to my balcony using adhesive strips. What if it falls down in front of the driveway? What if the neighbors complain about the birds chirping? What if no birds show up?
I was foolish to worry about the last one. The chickadees and juncos found my feeder in just under 10 minutes. The picture above was taken as the chickadees started checking out the new feeder. I’m proud to say this was my first frame! 
So far, the bird feeder has held up and I’ve hear no complaints! I think it would be a shame if someone complained about a few birds, especially seeing we have a lot of road traffic nearby that causes a lot more noise. It’s funny how something as simple as a bird feeder can really improve my day. I look forward to coming home and sitting on the couch to do some readings while watching the birds out my window.
I even bought a bird identification book specifically for western British Columbia birds. I was quite knowledgeable on bird species back home, so I feel like I need to get up to speed. So far I’ve identified every species I’ve seen at my feeder. Some are even birds I see frequently in Ontario, they just have a different coloration. 
Here are some of my favorites from over the past few days:
Female junco (Oregon coloration) and a black-capped chickadee. These were the first two species to show up to my feeder. They’re quite entertaining to watch since they don’t like sharing the feeder and will chase each other away.
A male spotted towhee. I was excited to see this bird because it’s a new species to me and not present in Ontario.

A male spotted towhee, male junco and song sparrow (pacific northwest coloration) all waiting to use the feeder. The song sparrow had me confused for awhile; it looks much more bland back east.

I’ve saved the best for last, as this is probably the most showy bird I’ll see out here: the steller’s jay.



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