Vancouver Waterfront

The rain season on the Northwest Pacific has held off, and I feel grateful that I’ve had plenty of days of sunshine lately. However, we get an eerie mist sometimes instead of rain. It’s very damp and thick, and it usually doesn’t clear until the late afternoon.

So far I haven’t been too bothered by it. My campus is on a mountaintop, so as my bus crawls up the mountain in the morning we usually break through the fog. The past two weeks have been quite sunny and mild on campus, but it’s always interesting to go home and realize the city had remained misty all day long.
Recently I went with a friend to take pictures by Vancouver’s waterfront and in Gastown. Despite it being late in the afternoon, it was still very hazy and cloudy out by the water. It made for some very interesting pictures around the Canada Place building.




My friend, who’s nickname is Chuy, then ventured with me to Gastown. Clark has been telling me to check out Gastown for quite a while, and he kept telling me to see the steam clock and “Captain Gassy”. I got a picture by the steam clock for Clark, and I have to admit it was a very lovely area. 
Right as we got there the street lights turned on. I tried to get some pictures, but between the night lighting and the mist, my pictures were all blurry and out of focus. I didn’t really mind; Chuy and I were too busy looking for grungier places to take pictures. Gastown was historically an industrial area, and the train yards are located right behind the pretty buildings.

To finish off the evening, we grabbed some pumpkin spiced donuts at Tim Hortons. It’s really hard to find Tim Horton’s out here, which is a huge difference from Ontario. Octobers during my undergrad were spent eating pumpkin spiced muffins and donuts in excess, so being back at school without a nearby Timmies has made me miss home a bit. It’s the silly little things that make me homesick, but that’s another blog post entirely.
Definitely a successful photo adventure! I’m sure there will be many more to come since Chuy is also new to Vancouver and willing to find explore new areas of the city with me. 

6 Replies to “Vancouver Waterfront”

  1. Hey Kimberley, I'm glad this post brought back some nostalgia and good feelings. 🙂 It's definitely exciting to be able to explore and discover new places in your city. I've been looking forward to doing it again, but I'm not used to being out in the rain just yet. Hopefully soon!

  2. Aww thanks so much Reut! I'll have to share some aerial photos I've found of my campus. From the sky it looks really cool when it's surrounded by mountains and fog.

  3. Ahh wow, the first pictures have something about them! The mist and the industrial looking place make it so mysterious. This reminds me of my time in college, I always loved the bus rides in the early morning so much.
    That city also reminds me alot of some areas over here, it looks very similar!
    Ahh I got so many nostalgic feelings from this post. 🙂 Exploring new places really is so much fun! Looks like a day well spend!

  4. I think that mist is sometimes nicer than rain washing down everything and making you wet 😛 a different kind of winter…
    The hazy pics turned out absolutely beautiful! once again, it's so easy to feel the atmosphere through your pics. I liked especially those of the street lights, though you seemed to like them less, but I think the lack of focus made them really magical in some way!
    A campus on the mountaintop sounds so awesome, I'd love to go study a place like that every morning *-*

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