Walk for Reconciliation


The Walk for Reconciliation this past Sunday was a great success. Although I struggled to get my sleepy and sick self out of bed on Sunday morning, it was such a moving experience to be a part of. Over 70,000 people united on the rainy streets of Vancouver to walk for human rights and understanding.

Despite the pouring rain, we all stood together for several hours in a sea of umbrellas. It was great to be apart of something so big. The video below was uploaded by Reconciliation Canada on Youtube, and shows some of the highlights from the event.


Upon finishing, each person was given a tiny wooden block. These gifts were created by school kids throughout BC who were being taught about the reconciliation process. Each block had a word written on it, with the other side uniquely decorated by a child. The one I received said the word “Courage” on it, and has some adorable pink flowers.


Courage is certainly a great virtue to live by, and I treasure the token for what it represents. I’m glad I participated in this important event and I feel very humbled by it.

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