Tight Curls

So lately I have been obsessed with the idea of creating a huge, curly style out of my hair. I was originally inspired by pictures I found of Maegan Tintari, who is a blogger and stylist. 
Here are the pictures that brought me to action:
Vintage Christmas Whim
Vintage Christmas Whim
My hair is naturally very wavy and frizzy, so I know it’s got a lot of potential when it comes to holding a curl. In fact, when my hair was really short a few years ago it used to curl naturally into an afro if I didn’t style it.
Thankfully, Maegan offers a tutorial on how she got her hair to look so voluminous and curly for those photographs. For those interested you can find it here
The hairstyle called for curling your hair tightly with sponge rollers and sleeping in them. I luckily already had some sponge rollers that I inherited from my mother (they are possibly from the 70s), but I also bought an extra bag so I’d be able to cover my whole head. Sleeping was terribly uncomfortable, but somehow I made do and didn’t wake up with a sore neck or back. 
I have to say, the end result wasn’t too far off from my goal:



So much hair. 
It’s definitely something that will take getting used to just because it feels so different. I think I might also need to buy another bag of sponge rollers. I feel like if I had extra I’d be able to give the top of my head more volume and lift, and have curls going in a bunch of different directions.
I wore this around the house today, and I got some strange remarks from my housemates. However, I also posted a picture on facebook and my friends seemed really supportive. Maybe next time I’ll try going out into public with this look. 
I think I can pull it off if I compliment it with the right kind of makeup; here I’m wearing a bold coral lipstick (Charming by E.L.F) and I’ve also filled in my eyebrows to make them a little stronger.
So what do you guys think? Any opinions?

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